The Fire This Time Fund is made up of a revolving array of independent artists, educators and activists working in Chicago's social justice community.

We are an all-volunteer group organized as a giving (donor) circle.

We raise money that we then give away in grants, and pool resources to support grassroots groups working in the Chicago area for racial, economic, social, environmental, and gender justice.

We support creative social change projects initiated by artists, educators and activists who are committed to community-based social and political change.

Our name was inspired by artist, activist and educator James Baldwin's 1963 The Fire Next Time - a literary declaration foreshadowing the need for cross-racial coalition building in order to fight systemic injustice.

We prioritize the channeling of project-based funds to informal groups working in atypical ways, inside and outside of the non-profit model, without access or ties to extensive institutional support. Average grants are $1,000 and take the shape typically as film/video, workshops, event presentations or exhibitions, literary zines, audio or performance projects.