“we fuel the fires of our time through lifelong dedication / standing by artists who hand out jewels of inspiration”
– Ryan Hollan, circle member '08
On May 8 2010, the Fire This Time Fund celebrated four years of creative social change grant making by showcasing the talent of our community. Watch the short documentary video of "The Great Collaboration Celebration and Round Table" event here!
We believe that artists, activists, and educators challenge perspectives and possess innovative ideas that ask critical questions about the world around us, both locally and globally.
We encourage leadership, voice and vision, among artists, activists and educators who may be new to the grant seeking process.
We prioritize the channeling of project-based funds to informal groups working in atypical ways, inside and outside of the non-profit model, without access or ties to extensive institutional support.
We encourage innovative, experimental and radical ideas and models of action.
We support creative cultural as well as creative, community organizing and education projects that provoke critical thought by raising awareness or dialogue around justice issues.
We value process, collaboration, goal-setting, reflection, community engagement, and open-endedness in the groups that we fund.